What is Barcode?
Unique representation of machine-readable code in form of a bar in varying wide and space using in the packed products sold in the various stored are known as the barcode.
Importance of Barcode in the Business:
Inventory management in the business gives a clear picture of the financial accurate status of the business, so the inventory management must be accurate and streamlined at all points of time. The best solution to manage the inventory is using the barcode for the product sold.

Benefits of using Barcodes:
- Barcodes permit us to do things efficiently which means transferring and recording the process of work in a faster and more accurate way.
- Barcodes if very effective in tracking the items where exactly are which results in customer satisfaction at the end.
- Barcode located the items accurately is the same as the significant amount of time need to track the item manually.
- A small error in the business can cause damage to the business image as well as reputation, using barcodes can reduce error.
How to implement the Barcode using Tally?
In Tally, there is a built-in module called the barcode module which has the capability of reading printed barcodes in the items. Barcodes can also be customized based on the business requirement where a PRN file is available in the barcode module. If not this PRN file is not available they can send the file with the details of the barcode size, barcode printer model number, and so on. For printing, the barcode bartender software is required, but this comes free with almost all the barcode printers.
How Barcode Increases Business?
As the tracking of the items is very accurate in the barcode system which builds a very good customer satisfaction and relationship. Error is avoided in the barcode to the bare minimum so the profit of the business gets increased and accurate decisions can be made regarding the inventory for business development.

Requirement: Barcode Printer
Point to note:
Tally generates at there entering purchase invoice, items master or stock entry transfer on has to be selected during the installation process.
Contact AXN Tally Partner For Barcode Installation:
As barcode is the most convenient, easy, and time-saving way to maintain the inventory which is soul and heart in all kinds of business. For easy installation and custimazite the barcode for your business contact the best Tally Partner AXN. AXN Tally partner remotely access your system where PNR file is not available for generating your barcode.